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    Odds revealed on which team signs Tony Allen for the stretch run

    The Bulls acquired Allen from the Pelicans but reports are he'll be waived. A number of contenders could use the veteran defensive stopper. SportsLine breaks down where he ends up.
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    Buried under the headlines of "Mirotic to New Orleans" was who the Bulls added.

    Chicago made the move with the future in mind, trading its top frontcourt player in Nikola Mirotic in exchange for Jameer Nelson, Omer Asik and Tony Allen, along with picks.

    Allen is expected to be waived by the Bulls and will then have the opportunity to sign with a contender.

    The 6-4 guard averaged 4.7 points per game before a broken leg sidelined him for 22 games. He returned to action this week -- just in time to get traded. 

    Allen, 36, is known as a defensive stopper on the perimeter, and there are a few contending teams desperately in need of one. SportsLine's oddsmakers have set the odds on where Allen ends up:

    Which team will Tony Allen sign with?

    Cleveland Cavaliers 3/1
    Oklahoma City Thunder 3/1
    Houston Rockets 6/1
    San Antonio Spurs 15/1
    New York Knicks 20/1
    The Field 8/1

    According to HoopsStats.com, no team has a worse backcourt Efficiency Difference (overall contribution minus opponent contribution) than the Cavaliers, at -9.5. In fact, only one other team currently in a playoff position ranks in the bottom 10. Ironically, it's the Pelicans. 

    The Cavs are actively trying to figure out how to get better, and while signing Allen isn't going to make the splash it seeks, it should help in the bottom line.

    Only two other teams get less offensive production than the Cavs from their guards: the Spurs and the Knicks. San Antonio's perimeter issues lie exclusively on the offensive end. The Knicks have issues on both sides of the court, and with defensive forward Joakim Noah isn't likely to return, New York may be looking for help in the post first. 

    Oklahoma City just lost defensive backcourt starter Andre Roberson for the season, and while Allen isn't likely a starting candidate, he could be an immediate addition to the rotation. The Rockets continue to deal with nagging injuries to Chris Paul, Trevor Ariza and Eric Gordon, and could use experienced depth. 

    PICK: The Thunder need a backcourt defensive stopper. Since losing Roberson to a season-ending knee injury last Saturday, OKC is 1-2 and allowing nearly 114 points per game, more than 10 points above its season average.

    The Thunder could plug a gaping hole by adding Allen, especially as they match up with the elite guards of the West. Go with OKC being proactive by adding the veteran for the stretch run. 

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    Adam ThompsonStaff Analyst

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